Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

visceromotor nuclei of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)

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Top level nervous system
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 caudal rhombencephalon Short Extended
Current level visceromotor nuclei of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
40544 8075
visceromotor nuclei of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
nuclei visceromotorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72601 40547 5389
inferior salivatory nucleus (pair)
nucleus salivatorius inferior (par)
54585 40550 5363
posterior nucleus of vagus nerve (pair) ; dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve (pair)
nucleus posterior nervi vagi (par) ; nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi (par)
3 lines
100.0 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
It should be noted that the Inferior and Superior salivatory nuclei appear to be a distributed set of neurons that do not condense into nuclei as such (Blessing WB 2004 Lower brain stem regulation of visceral, cardiovascular, and respiratory function. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp 465-478).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8075
Number of children 8 (validated)
Number of units 3 (validated)
Signature 16418 (validated since 19.4.2018)
Date: 31.12.2021